Texas Business Directory
Texas Business Directory
Texas Business Directory

Listing and registration rules

“Chaos and mayhem thrive in a world without basic rules…”

"We monitor new and updated registrations, subscriptions, listings, and pictures daily. Violations will result in denial, user blockage, and content removal."

Texas Business Directory Rules

Thank you for choosing our professionally owned and managed online platform. We are thrilled to offer you a user-friendly site that is easy to navigate. Our interface is designed to ensure that you can find what you need quickly and accurately. We are committed to providing reliable and comprehensive content sourced only from verified sources. You can trust that you’ll receive the most up-to-date information. Our platform promotes only safe and legitimate businesses, free from spam.

We take spam seriously and implement measures to prevent unwanted mail. To maintain our high standards, we require businesses to complete a registration process, enabling us to verify their authenticity. We insist that users conduct themselves professionally on our platform, which is solely reserved for business purposes. To safeguard your business, we require accurate contact information from all companies listed. Our top priority is the safety of our subscribers, listed companies, and the public. We promote ethical and responsible behavior within our community and have strict rules against spamming, fraudulent activities, bait-and-switch tactics, illegal or unethical promotions. All listed businesses are researched and verified before publishing. Our verification process ensures that users can trust the businesses listed on our platform and feel safe conducting business with them.

Users who violate our terms are denied access, and their content is deleted, and they are permanently blocked from our service. We welcome feedback from our users to help us improve our service. Our commitment is to provide you with authentic and trustworthy business information. Our customer support team is available 24/7 to assist you. Thank you again for choosing our platform. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the future.

Note: This website is owned, managed and operated by Professional Advice LLC.

Website Registration Rules

To have your registration approved, a corresponding listing is necessary. You must be either the company owner or an authorized representative. Providing accurate and verifiable company information during registration is imperative since it will be audited. To maintain our user database’s integrity and facilitate communication between our organizations, ensure the information you provide is valid and up-to-date. Furthermore, your email address must be operational and linked with the company domain or listed on the website’s contact page for confirmation.

Don’t use other emails or SEO emails unless listing for the SEO company. The contact numbers and links must be directly linked with the company’s website.

To ensure accurate and valid listings, please use verifiable and authentic company contact information. Emails must originate from a valid domain email or one that’s listed on the business website’s contact page. The listing must depict the authentic contact details of the associated business and not those of SEOs or web developers.

Only the business owner or management is authorized to make listings or claims to ownership. The Listing Description or Remarks section must exclude contact information or hyperlinks. The email used for registration and subscription must be functional and linked to the website’s domain or a valid email mentioned on the business website.

All listings must be free of any abusive language, illegal or narcotics mentions. We strictly prohibit any illicit/illegal material and will report such listings immediately to the concerned authorities.

The registration page on your profile must display your legal business name and contact information as an SEO and/or web developer. Additionally, the contact information for your clients’ businesses listing should displayed their companies information.

The contact information for your account and all listings must be verifiable. It must also reflect the pertinent information from the website (for SEOs or listings).

This rule will be audited every time new information is entered or updated.

Business listings must not contain hyperlinks or contact information in the description section of the listing. Failure to follow this guideline is one of the main reasons why a listing may be denied.

To ensure accuracy and professionalism on our site, SEO or web developers must use the valid and official email of their SEO or web developer company during registration. Whenever possible, the email associated with the company’s website domain should be used. However, if the company does not have a domain email, the only exception is if the email in question is physically displayed on the company’s official contact page. Listings inputted for clients should display their individual business email and not the developer’s. Adhering to these guidelines will help us maintain our high standards of quality and reliability in our listings.

SEO's & Web-Developer Rules

To ensure accuracy and legitimacy of our website, and facilitate prompt approval of your registration and listings, please provide valid and verifiable business information while registering. This includes the business name and contact information for both your company and the individual company being listed. Please use only one profile to register and list all of your listings. Do not create additional profiles. Furthermore, use an operational email associated with the listed company website, or one that can easily be found on the website contact page, for confirmation. Lastly, use the dashboard to manage all of your listings.

This is a professional business site. Please refrain from cursing, abusive behavior, sexual innuendos, spamming others, and engaging in illegal behavior of any kind. Hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated.

All content posted on this website must adhere to legal regulations. Any content promoting the sale or use of illegal drugs or other illicit items will not be allowed and will be promptly reported to the authorities. Please refrain from posting any such content on this platform.

When creating any business listing on behalf of your client, it is imperative that the email provided is the genuine email address for the corresponding company and not yours. We prefer email addresses that are associated with the company’s domain. In the event that the company does not have access to a domain email, it is acceptable to provide an email address that is visibly listed on the company’s contact page. We kindly request that, under no circumstances, should an SEO or web developer’s email address be used in place of the actual company email.

All graphics or logos used during registration or business listing must not contain any illicit, sexual nor contact information.

Professional Advice LLC Logo

Professional Advice LLC

"Where Professionals go for Advice!"

Phone Icon Tel: (912) 666-6780 Email Icon Email: info@pro-advice.net Website Icon Website: www.pro-advice.net Location Icon Savannah, GA

Operating Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9am - 6pm EST
Sat: 10am - 2pm EST
Online Service: 24hrs

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4 SEO's & Web-Developers

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  • FREE - Maximize Your Profits
  • One Account Needed - Save Time
  • Dashboard to Create & Manage
  • No limit on the number of Listings

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New Users 0